Wednesday, September 18, 2013

bear world

date: saturday september 14, 2013
event: bear world (or bear lake as reese likes to call it)

the people: our little fam, brad and alli fam, katie

looked like: everyone hanging in our car; white elk, lots of deer, a couple creepy wolves, and even more bears; cal getting attacked by a baby deer in the petting zoo (seriously. one of the most hilarious moments i never knew i would witness. america's funniest home video gold. if only we had it on video.), cal giving said deer the biggest crusty known to man while sulking in the corner; cutest little baby cubs rolling around, little kid carnival rides, jen nursing in the car like always; bears brushing by our car;

sounded like: bears yelling for food

tasted like: graham crackers in the car

felt like: baby deer fur and if you're cal, getting hoofed on his side by a 2 foot tall baby deer

i love this family picture because it's so typical of us right now.  reese pulling millions of faces, spence is ready to eat, and cal refuses to smile for the picture. also, notice the deer turd on his pants. awesome.

the wildlife on the first drive through:

this guy looks like he got swiped by a bear..

the petting zoo:

some day reese is going to figure out the genuine smile thing:


cal could not get enough of the deer. (until he got hoofed..)

why is this picture not working? thanks blogger.

oh hey, spence was there too.

would you like some baby craving? ok..

the kiddie rides (most of these pics are on my iphone, but if i wait to do this post until i download'll never happen.):

our second drive through we followed the feeding truck, and HOLY BEARS.

hey bear in my rear view mirror.

yup, and there you are. right next to my door.

nice, friendly, cuddly bears. notice the lady in the feeding truck yelling at us to close our windows. rules, shmules.

 overall, we were so impressed with bear world. in the past we would make fun of it as we passed it on the highway, but no more. it rocked. our kids loved it, we loved it. the end.

4 months

what would i do without my spence? he is seriously the best baby ever.


rolling from tummy to back (rarely, but hey! it's happened)
found his feet. why is this the most adorable thing ever?
pushing up on belly from wrists
still nursing 100% of the time (i count this as an achievement more for me. i don't care what they say, nursing is totally harder than bottle feeding.)


reese goo-goo-gahing over him
call jumping on the bed
being held :)
not sleeping anywhere but home
watching me cook from the bumbo
soft things against his head while he sleeps
chewing on his monkey

i took a couple pictures yesterday on a whim and tried my hand at the matte processing that's so popular right now. i'm still undecided, but one thing's for certain...this kid has my heart.

Monday, August 26, 2013


reese loves to swing all day every day. cal has recently caught the vision, but isn't too sure what he thinks about it if mommy or daddy isn't close by.

isn't childhood just so magical? everything is a new experience, and every experience is lived with a fullness of emotion. kids live with such an in-the-moment joy. i have so much to learn from these kiddos of mine.

and then when think they couldn't get any sweeter, you find them like this snuggled up in your bed.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

mama's got shortnin'

oh cal. i thought it was so nice that you were playing so quietly while i sent a quick email. for future reference, shortening does not equal lotion. but i'm sure baby appreciated the attempt to give her a deep moisturizing facial. 

i'm so glad i caught you later this afternoon just as you were putting the first glob of mama's lipstick on. right in the knick of time. heaven help me.

freeze please?

lately i've feeling extra nostalgic. i can't stand the thought of my kids growing up. i've been trying to take more pictures of every day moments. moments of real. moments of my kids doing the things that make them "them" in whatever stage. 

this morning our "real" looked like this:

cal has decided sitting is for the weak hearted. this is typical him. every meal, every snack. if i can see this kid through until he's 18 then someone please send me to hawaii. with a non-virgin pina colada. also, i'm taking volunteers to come vacuum my kitchen floor 10.2 times a day. meals=throwing practice.

oh reese. can i just put you in a bottle and never let you go? don't turn 4. ever. or ask me why your friends say butt and our family says bum. or try and find as many excuses to say butt during our conversation. your morning giggles and stories and coloring are just about my favorite thing. someday i'm sure going to miss those "why???"'s and colored people with giant circle eyes.

spence. don't ever tell your siblings, but you're my favorite. okay, not really. but kind of. that dimpled chin just about does me in. you make me want to have about 5 million more children. and if it wasn't for my darn pubic symphisis i get during pregnancy i just might try. so maybe i'll have to settle for two (crossing fingers..).

i exist! my goal this summer has been to be in more pictures.  i feel like often times moms are the ones behind the camera, so documented life = no mom. dear children, you were not orphans. also, please wear sunscreen so you don't have giant wrinkles at the age of 28.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

memorial day

date: memorial day weekend, 2013
event: spontaneous decision to go to cabin with nelsons with a 2 week old

notes: funnest nelson get-together yet, hardly saw reese at all due to cousin heaven, lots of 4-wheeling, eating good food, jen nursing her life away in the bedroom, late night chats, perfect crips nights and warm days.